About Us » Belief Statements

Belief Statements

  • Moral and character development through Torah ideals must informs all areas of the
    school culture based on the precept that each individual is created in the image of

  • Student learning is the chief priority that impacts all decisions regarding the school

  • All students can learn. Students are provided with a variety of instructional strategies
    to support their varied learning styles.

  • Central to girls’ chinuch are deeply committed, superior teachers who motivate their
    students to strive for excellence, develop a sense of self and an eagerness to learn, in
    a warm and nurturing environment.

  • Parents are essential to their child's education. A collaborative relationship between
    parents and teachers enhances learning opportunities, educational progress and
    school success.

  • חסד programs and projects both inside and outside of school are essential to Jewish

  • Co-curricular and extra-curricular programming and activities are necessary to
    enable each student to fully develop her potential.

  • Medinat Yisrael a gift from Hashem, central to the Jewish people and the support of its
    well-being is a responsibility of every Jew. The Shulamith School for Girls’ curriculum,
    programming and overall tone reflect and emphasize this basic precept.

  • Students must learn to appreciate the democratic ideals and freedom of the United
    States of America.